Grants of up to $2,500 to USA physician assistants, students, and organizations to address mental health. Funding is intended to support initiatives within communities. Priority will be given to projects that reach underserved communities. Eligible activities include p
Grants of up to $2,500 to USA physician assistants, organizations, and students for initiatives to support inclusion, equity, and diversity within the profession. Funding is intended to reduce health disparities and increase health equity in underserved communities. Pro
Grants to USA and International nonprofit organizations and charities to support disadvantaged groups in eligible regions. Funding is intended for activities that benefit the general public and that advance leadership and management skills in the target populations. Fun
Grant to a USA, Canada, or International nonprofit or for-profit organization for research investigating the dangers associated with working in the gambling industry. Funding is intended to determine the impact working in the industry has on employees' mental and physic
Grants to USA scholars for research studies related to race-conscious admissions policies for institutions of higher education. Applicants must submit a letter of inquiry and complete registrations prior to applying. Funding is intended for social science research relat
Grants of up to $5,000 to USA, Canada, and International organizations and individuals to address urgent threats to amphibians. Funding is intended for crucial projects that take swift action to resolve impending threats to amphibian species or populations. Priority is
Grants to USA, Canada, and International journalists for investigative reporting on issues related to fisheries and oceans around the world. Funding is intended to cover costs associated with in-depth and high-quality projects that address underreported topics. Applicat
Grants to USA, Canada, and International journalists and newsroom staff for investigative stories that address topics and issues that threaten democracy in the United States and worldwide. Funding is intended to support stories that are underrepresented and that tackle
Grants to USA, Canada, and International journalists and newsroom staff for investigative reporting related to scientific misinformation and disinformation. Funding is intended to support initiatives that expose news outlets that spread disinformation and for the develo
Grants of $1,000 to USA spouses of enlisted Coast Guard members to pursue education and professional training. Funding is intended to support non-military spouses of eligible Coast Guard members for training courses, college, and graduate programs. These grants are desi